Choose a Theme


This is where you can apply a theme with the overall design and layout you desire for your site.

Latest Themes

In this section, all of the themes available for selection are displayed in order of their release date. By clicking on each thumbnail you can see an enlarged preview of what that particular theme looks like. The buttons in the upper right corner of the preview box allow you to bookmark the theme, add the theme to your My Themes area, and close the preview box.

My Themes

This area contains all of the themes you have added to your site for potential use. When hovering over the image of a theme in this area you will see both an "X" and a check. Clicking the check applies that theme as your site's design. You will only be able to apply one theme to your site at any given time. Clicking the "X" removes that theme from your My Themes area. You will not be able to remove a theme that is currently applied to the site.

Bookmarked Themes

This area contains all of the themes you have bookmarked as a favorite. When hovering over the image of a theme in this area you will see both an "X" and a check. Clicking the check adds that theme to your My Themes area. Clicking the "X" removes that theme from your Bookmarked Themes area.