Publish Form


Forms allow you to get to know your visitors better by giving them the opportunity to share feedback, request information or sign up to participate. We've included the additional benefit of saving form responses back to your site for easy review and analysis.

Editor Controls

Use the editor controls to format your content in the main body of your page above any form items. MoreĀ»
  • Paragraph Format Button All of our professionally designed themes include coordinating paragraph formatting. Select one of the built-in content formats to ensure that your content always looks professional--even when you change themes.
  • Smart Template Button Insert popular two, three and four column content templates that automatically adjust your content for display on any size screen including smartphones and tablets.
  • Remove Formatting Button Depending on your browser, content pasted in from other sources like Word or other Web pages may include unwanted formatting. Highlight the affected content and select the Remove Formatting Button to remove unwanted styles.
  • Bold Button Click to enable/disable bold text formatting.
  • Italic Button Click to enable/disable italic text formatting.
  • Underline Button Click to enable/disable underlined text formatting.
  • Align Text Button Click to select Left, Center, Right or Justified text alignment.
  • Bold Button Click to enable/disable bold text formatting.
  • Numbered List Button Click to switch the highlighted text between numbered list and normal formatting.
  • Bulleted List Button Click to switch the highlighted text between bulleted list and normal formatting.
  • Image Button Click to insert or update an image and manage its attributes.
  • Link Button Click to insert or update a link and manage its attributes.
  • Unlink Button Click to remove a link.
  • Source View Button Click to paste code from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, UStream and others.

Content Controls

The content controls located at the top of the screen allow you to upload and manage files; create more pages, albums, blogs, calendars, forms and media; save and publish changes to the current form.

Adding New Form Items

Clicking the New Item button opens the Form Item dialog. Here is where you'll name each of your form items as well as provide the appropriate avenue of response as described in the Response Types section below.

The first field is where you'll type out your question or item label. For example the first piece of information you may want to get from the submitter is his/her name. So in the first field of your first item type Name. Next select the Response Type. For this information we'll select Text Box so the user can type in their name. Finally click Publish and you'll see the first item in your form is Name with a text box underneath for the submitter to type in his/her name.

Response Types

  • Select One - This response type is a radio button. Use this response type to record a single answer from a few choices. For example, if you need to know the submitter's gender or marital status, you could use radio buttons to provide a limited set of choices.

  • Select Multiple - This response type is a check box. Use this response type to record multiple choices. For example, if you're asking your visitor to select a couple of areas in which they'd like to serve the church you'd use check boxes to list out different ministry areas so the submitter can select the ones they'd be interested in learning more about.

  • Select List - This response type is a drop-down list. Use this response type allow users to select one answer from many choices. For example, if you have a list of small groups for the submitter to choose the one they'd like to join you could use a select list.

  • Text Box - This response type is a text field. Use this response type to record short free-form answers. For example, if you need the submitter to provide a name you'll use a text box so he/she can type it into the box.

  • Comment Box - This response type is a text area. Use this response type to record longer essay style answers. For example, if you wanted a Comments section on the form for users to submit their thoughts in sentence form you'd use a text area to allow them much more room to type their comments.