Calendar Widget


The Calendar Widget creates a clickable calendar control.


calendarname (optional)*

The calendarname attribute allows you to give a calendar a unique identifier.
Default Value: iCal
Limitations: Must be alpha-numeric without any special characters or spaces.
*Required when adding more than one calendar widget to a page.

monthnames (optional)

The monthnames attribute allows you to pass in a list of month name alternatives.
Default Value: Full month names in English
Limitations: Must provide a list of all 12 months.

daynames (optional)

The dayname attribute allows you to pass in a list of weekday name alternatives.
Default Value: Two-letter abbreviation for English week day names.
Limitations: Must provide a list of all 7 days.

lastmonthtext (optional)

The lastmonthtext attribute allows you to change the display text for the calendar's link to load the previous month.
Default Value: empty string

nextmonthtext (optional)

The nextmonthtext attribute allows you to change the display text for the calendar's link to load the next month.
Default Value: empty string


<widget name="calendar" calendarname="myCalendar" lastmonthtext="" nextmonthtext="" monthnames="['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']" daynames="['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']"></widget>